Friday, May 06, 2011

I don't think giving one-sided comments/responding to just a few speeches or articles during this period would make one much less
'politically apathetic'.

(oh how bad being politically apathetic sounds, we must let others know we've read at least five -okay, maybe ten- articles and at least enough about the two female candidates which fully represent the parties to have enough information to open our mouths to speak and that shows we're mature adults and we care about politics.
For two weeks at least.)

I admit I got a little carried away typing the above paragraph.
it's so easy to do so.


Of course there's nothing wrong with being interested, hell it's good to be interested. It's great that we're more involved than before. Nothing wrong with commenting after making clear evaluations even if it's a response to just two articles/speeches. Just.. chill with the insults and complaints and who should be supported because their insults to the other party made sense. (etc.)

And of course I'm not talking about everybody. Many people know much more than just the two female candidates or the speeches that got the crowds going. (as we begin to read more, less and less people will react too emotionally/irrationally - and that's good -). (Though we cannot assume 'less and less' will lead to none)

We know who will take offense in this and who will not. I asked myself why I even typed this, and well.. even if I cannot make much better comments on this upcoming election, some comments do get on my nerves a little.

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